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REACHout Early Years Stronger Practice Hub, 

 aims to provide support to Early Years Professionals through offering an established network of expert and experienced practitioners through...

  • fully funded bespoke advice and guidance

  • training including EEF evidence-based practice

  • to improve outcomes for all children across the EYFS.

The hub is fully funded, meaning the offer will always be free to those who take part

Kim Barneston
Area Lead for The  Expert & Mentor  Programme


Until recently, Kim was a hidden Gem to us at The Hub.


Meeting Kim and learning about her prolific career in childminding has not only been inspiring but it has given us a great insight into the support that is needed amongst her fellow professionals. 

We are excited to be working in close Partnership with Kim to offer regular opportunities for childminders to come together and form a face to face supportive network, gain personalised support and access to fully funded training 

Have your voice heard...

If you would like to have your voice heard, you are an Area Lead within the East of England, or feel that you and your area would benefit from fully funded support from the hub... click to get in touch! 

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There is a friendly face on the other side that is always happy to get in touch


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